About This Game S T R A N G E N I G H T is a psychological horror game in first person, the player controls cameras monitoring, and need to make periodic rounds. The game begins after a mysterious man hiring a night security firm to work in her apartment. But the staff did not expect, fear and madness behind this place. Strange Night is an inspired game in the atmospheric environment of P.T., and working with the cameras, brings a bit of FNAF's tension. For a better user's experience, the game will only work from 22 pm until 07 am. _________________________________________________________________________________________ S T R A N G E N I G H T é um jogo de terror psicológico em primeira pessoa, o jogador controla o monitoramento de câmeras, e precisa fazer rondas periódicas. O jogo começa depois que um homem misterioso contrata de uma empresa de segurança noturna para trabalhar em seu apartamento. Mas a equipe não esperava, medo e loucura por trás deste lugar. Strange Night é um jogo inspirado no ambiente atmosférico de P.T. e trabalhar com as câmeras, traz um pouco de tensão da FNAF's. Para melhor experiência do usuário , o jogo só funcionará partir 22h até 07h. 1075eedd30 Title: Strange NightGenre: IndieDeveloper:LBPublisher:LBRelease Date: 26 Jul, 2016 Strange Night Full Crack [Xforce Keygen] very scary game for PT fans. ... :-( .... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=w7Vc1b_ZBIYGreat atmosphere, fantastic scares, and the perfect length too. ...But it certainly isn't worth the current price.The game could have used a little more explanation, a little more story. Who are we? Who is the ghost? Who hired(?) us to watch the house? What happened to create the rest of the victims?In all, the game is a good, short, horror game. But it lacks a lot of other basic things a game should have. It was, at its core, a FNAF clone that basically expected you to know what FNaF was and the basic idea of how it worked. The only PT element was... The hallway?In all, the game got me good, won't lie! And I enjoyed it. But it isn't worth the cuurret price ($9) and it's a bit less than what it sold itself to be. I'd recommend watching this one, rather than playing it yourself, and that's not something I like to say often.. OK, so first off... The game has a weird little gimmick where it will only run after 11 pm local time and will stop working again and crash on startup after 7 am local time. This is clearly a PT clone (literally) with some FNAF gameplay thrown over top. It's not bad... I mean, the audio is terrible when it's terrible (footsteps suck, loud beeping alarms suck), but pretty decent once the spoops start happening. The gameplay is horrible (the player sways like a drunk while walking, and the control scheme is...weird...), but actually works in favor of generating atmosphere once the weird stuff starts happening.I was genuinely tense as the ghostie began ramping up its attack... or whatever it was doing, and when the first jumpscare happened (also, really poor quality with no animation and some screech noise), I was genuinely startled, surprised and a little spooped out. I shut the game down.I'll try it again some other night when work isn't happening early the next morning and I have time to figure it all out.So is it good? No. But did it generate atmosphere and spoops? Yes.If you're like me and ravenously devour anything remotely resembling PT, I'd recommend it when it goes on sale, for like 2-3 bucks. Everybody else, steer clear. P.S. (To the Dev): You've got a cool concept here. Maybe some different sounds and smooth out the controls, plus some animations for the death moments and ghost and this could be really cool! I enjoyed it either way, but wish it wasn't so expensive. With the lack of polish, this feels like a 2.99 game right now.... This game is kind of crazy. Im playing for security guard and in the house where he is working that night happens a lot of scary sh*t. I could not get through to the end, because i cant play in these psychedelic games and I have no patience, when something boring with little exciting things happens. The falls in the cave and things with repeating once again from current point is quickly getting bored. I have a hunch about all these bloody things - that man is took some drugs, he has drank all alcohol in the room and we are here! If you like crazy horrors, this game is right for you, my friend! By the way, i will be honest, when i saw the first screamer, i screamed like a bi*ch.. Short game. No plot. TERRIBLE. I can barely call this a game. Very little to do. Got lost in the dark very quickly. Is there susposed to be a flashlight because nothing worked for me.. "HORROR PHRASE" Hideo Kojima would kill himself if he saw this game. A Good Jumpscare Game. I Didnt Finish It Because It Started Making Me Paranoid Sitting Alone In The Dark. LOL I Think I Played Most Of It Though. Definitely P.T. Inspired. And Its FREE! =-D
Strange Night Full Crack [Xforce Keygen]
Updated: Mar 17, 2020